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BOS Minutes April 19, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 19, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:03PM.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Clarke was concerned about the Special Detail Fund.  He said that he spoke to Carolee Davison, Treasurer, and she told him that the balance in the Special Detail Fund was $105.00.   He said that he and his assistant, Donna Stockman reviewed records and discovered there should be $2,097.  He said he was going to be meeting with Carolee and Patty to research where the money was deposited.

Chief Clarke stated that he had some issues regarding coverage on the weekends.  He stated that he was going to work out a schedule with Lt. Kitson.  Chief Clarke said that he was looking for part-time help.  He stated that Patrolman Scott Corbett is covering midnights.

Chief Clarke has submitted his CIP.  He said that Scott Tepper drew up plans for an addition on the Safety Building.  He said the plans are for a two-story addition and the cost is approximately $140,000.


HIGHLIGHTS: Mr. Kenneally reported that on Webster Mills Road a resident has parked their snowplow and trailer three feet on the asphalt.  Chief Clarke said he would speak to the owner about moving the snowplow and trailer.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he had been grading Hilliard Road and he received compliments from some of the residents.

Mr. Kenneally said that he would like to put up speed limit signs within 50 feet of the beginning of most all the Town roads.  He said by having speed limit signs installed permanently it would be easier to post the roads in the Spring with the weight limit signs.  He said it is difficult to post the roads when the ground is hard and if he is able to put a sign in the ground, it does not stay.  Also discussed were the speed limits.  Mr. Kenneally told the Board that dirt roads could not be posted at 25MPH without an engineer survey.   Chief Clarke and Chairman DeBold are going to look into the legality of posting the Town roads for speeds as determined by the Town.

Mr. Kenneally stated he was continuing to grade the roads.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Martell had nothing to report.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Dave Paveglio asked that a correction to April 5, 2005 minutes be made.  The change is as follows: Regarding the Golf Pro Shop located on Route 4.  It was stated in April 5, 2005 minutes, the building inspector was going to issue a cease and desist letter to the owner.  That is incorrect, the minutes should have read the building inspector is going to send a letter to the owner and tell him he may continue with Phase I, (building, septic and parking lot) but cannot go to Phase II of his plan.

Mr. Paveglio stated he has denied two building permits, one was for Map 9 Lot 27-A.  The owner has a singlewide trailer on her property and wants to purchase a double wide.  Based on the wetlands ordinance the new trailer would be infringing on the wetlands.  Mr. Paveglio stated that would call the owner and tell her he was denying her request.  He will tell her she can appeal to the Board of Adjustments.  The other denial was for Map 5 Lot 70.  The owner wants to increase the size of his garage.  This owner will be denied as the expansion of the garage will be too close to the pond.  Mr. Paveglio will send this owner a denial and advise him that he may appeal to the Board of Adjustments.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Paveglio stated that he was still having issues with summary reports from Quickbooks.  He is going to meet with Patty to try reconcile the difference.  

Chief Paveglio stated that no fire permits will be issued due to the dryness.

Chief Paveglio said there were cracks in the parking area of the Safety Building.  He said he would like to get these repaired before they get any bigger.  He asked David Kenneally for some advise as to how these should be filled.  Mr. Kenneally said that he would take a look at the cracks and will advise Chief Paveglio.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. & Mrs. Mackin addressed the Board regarding impact fees.  They have come to request a waiver.  Impact fees are due prior to obtaining an occupancy permit.  The Mackins said their house would not be finished until October.  The Board told the Mackins they needed to meet the following criteria: you must lived in the Town of Chichester for the last ten consecutive years; you are 62 years of age or older; and you are building a primary residence for yourself.  Mr. & Mrs. Mackin do not meet all of the requirements at this time.


HIGHLIGHTS: Present from the lighting committee were Ms. Katie Ruoff and Ms. Linda Rauter.  The Committee talked about changing the lighting ordinance.  They think there needs to be clarity regarding lumination and sign sizes.  Chairman DeBold said that Chairman Tracy Scott (Planning Board) is putting together a subcommittee and maybe a few members of the Concerned Citizens For Outdoor Lighting could be part of that committee.  Also, Selectman MacCleery stated that it would be a good idea for some members of business community be part of the subcommittee.

Bobcat’s night security lighting was discussed and the committee wanted to know if  the Selectmen’s office had contacted Unitil about having Bobcat’s light redirected.  The answer was no not at this time.  Chariman DeBold has recently met with the owner of Bobcat to ensure the Town’s commitment to working on a resolution which will bring the business into compliance with the current Lighting Zoning Ordinance . Bobcat is waiting to see who is going to qualify and quantify the decision about the light glare.  Ms. Ruoff stated that when driving down Route 4 you should not see the elements in the light and the lights should be directed to the owner’s property.

Mrs. Ruoff stated since new businesses were coming to Chichester that the plans should be reviewed very carefully and focus on the lights and signs to be sure they are in compliance with the current zoning.  It is much easier to have the lights and signs in compliance before the fixtures are put in, then it is after the fact.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Guida came to the Board with concerns regarding a statement that was made by a town employee.  Apparently, Mr. Guida needed work done at his home which required 500-600 yards of loam.  Mr. Guida called the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally, who advised him that he could not bring loaded trucks on the road at this time as the weight limits are still in effect.  However, Mr. Kenneally did ok Mr. Guida bringing in equipment.  Mr. Guida told his driver, Mr. Dan Taranovich he could bring the equipment to his home.  Mr. Taranovich wanted to double check Mr. Guida’s approval and called the Road Agent’s office.  According to Mr. Guida when Mr. Taranovich made his delivery, he questioned Mr. Guida’s integrity.  Mr. Guida stated he was immediately put on the defense.  Mr. Guida called Chairman DeBold and Selectman MacCleery and wanted to voice a complaint and attend the next Selectmen’s meeting.  

Chairman DeBold conducted a followed up investigation and the information that Chairman DeBold discovered was that a statement  was made in general about people misleading truck drivers that its was okay to drive on the roads, but was not directed at anyone specifically.  Mr. Guida wanted to know who the employee was and Chairman DeBold told him.  Chairman DeBold said he spoke to Mr. Taranovich, and was given the impression by Mr. Taranovich that the statement made by the employee was made in generalization, and the statement Mr. Taranovich made to Mr. Guida was a joke.  Mr. Taranovich had said to Chairman Debold “I took the liberty to joke around with Mr. Guida…..” Mr. Guida  felt that Mr. Taranovich was not joking.

Chairman DeBold apologized on behalf of the Town to Mr. Guida, if in fact the comments made by the Town employee were misrepresented by Mr. Taranovich.  However, it is the belief of Chairman DeBold, based solely on the interviews of both the Town employee and Mr. Taranovich that the Town employee did not specifically question the integrity of Mr. Guida.

Chairman DeBold wishes to have the Board, along with the Administrative Assistant, create a written employee policy which shall cover how the Town employees should conduct themselves while on official duty and when dealing directly with the public.  Chichester Town Employees are representing the Town when they are working and should act accordingly, with professionalism and courtesy.


HIGHLIGHTS:  The Selectmen reviewed the only bid that was received for seasonal grounds keeping.  The bid was from BMC General Contractors, they are located in Epsom.  A Motion was made by Selectman MacCleery to award the seasonal grounds keeping to BMC General Contractor.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman DeBold and all were in favor.  Patty will send a letter to BMC General Contractors.
The Selectmen discussed appointments to the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustments.  Selectmen Colbert made a Motion to appoint David Dobson to the Board of Adjustments and Mike Paveglio to the Planning Board.  Chairman DeBold seconded the Motion and all were in favor.

Selectman MacCleery showed the other Board members a copy of a plat that was approved in 1983 by the Planning Board.  The land belongs to Mr. Samuel Moore, he wants to give the land to his son, but does not have sufficient frontage.  Selectman MacCleery thinks Mr. Moore should be allowed to build his home on that land because the land was approved by the Planning Board and it is not listed on the plat as a non-build able lot. The Selectmen decided to bring the question to the Town Attorney.  Chairman DeBold will schedule an appointment with Bart Mayer, and report back to the Selectmen.

Selectman MacCleery made a Motion to deny Mr. Gil Timm’s request to waive the impact fees on his building permit for property on Lover’s Lane.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman DeBold.  A vote was taken,  Chairman DeBold and Selectman MacCleery were in favor and Selectman Colbert was not in favor.  Motion carried.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert